Concurso Nacional de Taichí en línea China - América Latina y el Caribe
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Recordatorio inscripción:

La inscripción iniciará a las 00:00:00 de 01-05-2022 y terminará a las 23:59:59 de 10-08-2023. Presente solicitud lo antes posible en el tiempo dispuesto.

(I) El vídeo cargado para participar en un evento individual debe ser un vídeo de ejercicio independiente individual para participar en esta competición, y ningún otro vídeo será evaluado fuera de línea.
(II) Tiempo de completación: El tiempo de completación de la rutina de competición es de 3 a 6 minutos.
(III) El vídeo debe ser un vídeo especialmente filmado para esta competición. Previamente al inicio, los atletas pueden presentar el nombre de competición y el evento en palabras o usar signos textuales, fondos, pancartas y otros identificadores para señalar que la grabación de vídeo es para esta competición,y si se descubre que el vídeo se ha utilizado para otros eventos, no se calificará.

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Solo puede cargarse archivo jpg/png de tamaño no más de 5 MB

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El vídeo de participación debe ser de formatos mp4, mov, de tamaño no más de 300 M

2023 China-Latin American and Caribbean Taijiquan Online Competition Disclaimer

Please read, understand, and comply with following statements:
I volunteer to participate in the 2023 China-Latin American and Caribbean Taijiquan Online Competition. I shall abide by the COVID-19 control and prevention guidelines issued by my local government when filming my video for the competition, make sure the filming will not gather a crowd, and make no highly difficult or dangerous movements during my performance. I shall take responsibility for any death, injury and disability due to filming the video or practice for the competition. I, my rightful heir, proxy, personal representative and relatives waive any and all claims and causes of action against the competition organizers for any death, injury and disability due to filming the video or practice for the competition.
I agree and abide by the competition rules set by the Chinese Wushu Association. In the event of an objection, I shall file for an appeal in accordance with the arbitration provision in the competition rules.
I shall be responsible for the video I submit for the competition. I guarantee there is no copyright infringement with the video I submit. My participating team or I shall undertake the due obligations if any copyright issues are involved in the videos.
I shall enjoy copyright of the video I submit for the competition in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China; the hosts and organizer of the competition are entitled to release, screen, publish, promote and exhibit the video and have priority to use it.
The videos and the portraits in works streamed by the official website of the competition are for the purpose to promote wushu culture only by the hosts and organizer.
The hosts and organizer of the competition enjoy copyright of the videos streamed and portrait right of the videos provided by the official website. The aforesaid videos and portraits in works are for reference only, and they shall not serve as a basis for business practice and the competition organizers shall not be held liable for such uses.
Unauthorized reproduction of the aforesaid videos and portraits in works or use of them for commercial purposes by any units or individuals is prohibited. Please contact the competition’s hosts or organizer for their commercial uses. If anyone violates regulations mentioned above, the hosts and organizer of the competition shall hold perpetrators accountable in accordance with the laws.
The above is hereby certified.
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