主办单位: 中国武术协会
Organizador: Asociación China de Artes Marciales
承办单位: 华奥星空科技发展有限公司
Organizador ejecutivo: China Interactive Sports Technology Invention Co., Ltd.
发证机关:国家广播电影电视总局广播电视节目制作经营许可证 (京)字第08305号
Concurso Nacional de Taichí en línea China - América Latina y el Caribe
Registration Agreement
1 服务说明
1 Service Description
1.1 中国武术协会向您提供包括但不限于如下服务:
1.1 The Chinese Wushu Association (CWA) provides you with services including but not limited to the following:
1.1.1 中国武术协会网站(及其他由中国武术协会运营的任何网站);
1.1.1 The CWA website (and any other website operated by the CWA);
1.1.2 中国武术协会直接拥有或运营的包括但不限于PC、平板、手机、电视等全部终端客户端产品;
1.1.2 All terminal clients directly owned or operated by the CWA, including but not limited to PCs, tablets, mobile phones, and TVs;
1.1.3 中国武术协会用户个人中心;
1.1.3 User Center of CWA;
1.1.4 中国武术协会直接拥有或运营的服务器、网络存储空间;
1.1.4 Servers and network storage space directly owned or operated by the CWA;
1.1.5 中国武术协会提供给您的各类增值服务;
1.1.5 Various value-added services provided to you by the CWA;
1.1.6 中国武术协会提供给您的其他技术和/或服务。
1.1.6 Other techniques and/or services provided to you by the CWA.
1.2 中国武术协会所提供的服务,均限于在中国武术协会平台内使用,任何以恶意破解等非法手段将中国武术协会所提供的服务与中国武术协会平台分离的行为,皆不属于本协议约定的由中国武术协会提供的服务。由此引起的一切后果由行为人负责,中国武术协会将保留依法追究行为人法律责任的权利。
1.2 The services provided by the CWA can only be used on the platform of the CWA. Any act of separating the services provided by the CWA from the CWA platform by malicious cracking and other illegal means does not belong to the services provided by the CWA as stipulated in this agreement. All consequences arising therefrom shall be the responsibility of the perpetrator, and the CWA will reserve the right to pursue the perpetrator's legal responsibility according to law.
1.3 中国武术协会官方所公布的方式为注册、登录、下载客户端(包括但不限于iOS、Android等智能平台)、使用中国武术协会服务的唯一合法方式,用户通过其他任何途径、任何渠道、任何方式获取的中国武术协会服务(包括但不限于账号、客户端下载等)均为非法所得,中国武术协会概不承认其效力,且一经发现,中国武术协会有权立即作出删除、清零、封号等处理,任何因此导致的一切不利后果均由用户自行承担。请用户妥善保管自己的账号和密码,加强密码安全性,谨防账号泄露或被盗。因用户账号被泄露或被盗而造成的任何损失,中国武术协会不承担补偿责任。
1.3 The method officially announced by the CWA is the only legal way to register, log in, download the client (including but not limited to iOS, Android and other smart platforms), and use the services of the CWA. The CWA services (including but not limited to accounts, client downloads, etc.) obtained by users through any other means, any channels, and any means are illegal gains, and the CWA does not recognize their validity. Once the illegal gains are discovered, the CWA has the right to delete, clear, and block the account immediately, and any adverse consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the user. Please keep your account and password properly, strengthen password security, and beware of account leakage or theft. The CWA shall not be liable for any loss caused by the leakage or theft of the user account.
1.4 用户理解并认可中国武术协会享有如下权利,中国武术协会行使如下权利不视为违约,用户不追究或者豁免中国武术协会的相关法律责任:用户有权长期使用其合法获得的中国武术协会账号及其账号下标识、礼品等,但是用户确认其仅享有上述服务和产品的使用权,上述服务和产品,及其衍生物的所有权及知识产权均归中国武术协会所有(用户经合法渠道取得的实体产品所有权除外)。中国武术协会有权在法律允许的最大范围内根据实际情况自行决定收回日期,无需另行通知用户亦无需征得用户同意。
1.4 The user understands and recognizes that the CWA enjoys the following rights. The CWA’s exercise of the following rights is not considered a breach of contract, and the user does not pursue and shall exempt the relevant legal responsibilities of the CWA: The user has the right to use their legally obtained CWA account and their logos, gifts, etc. under the account for a long time and however, the user confirms that they only have the right to use the above-mentioned services and products, and the ownership and intellectual property rights of the above-mentioned services and products and their derivatives belong to the CWA (Except the ownership of physical products obtained by users through legal channels). The CWA has the right to decide the date of withdrawal according to the actual situation to the maximum extent permitted by law, without further notice to the user and without the need for the user's consent.
1.5 中国武术协会有权提前向用户公告(包括但不限于弹出公告、网站首页公告、系统消息)以修改、替换、升级与中国武术协会服务相关的任何软件。如果用户不同意或者不接受中国武术协会相关软件的修改、替代、升级,请直接拒绝、停止、取消使用行为,否则视为用户同意并接受中国武术协会相关软件的修改、替代、升级,同时该同意并接受的行为仍受本协议约束。
1.5 The CWA has the right to announce to users in advance (including but not limited to pop-up announcements, website homepage announcements, and system messages) to modify, replace, and upgrade any software related to the CWA services. If the user does not agree or accept the modification, replacement and upgrade of the relevant software of the CWA, please directly refuse, stop or cancel use of the services, otherwise the user is deemed to agree and accept the modification, replacement and upgrade of the relevant software of the CWA. The act of agreeing and accepting is still governed by this Agreement.
1.6 本协议所称“用户”,包括注册用户及未注册用户。凡未注册中国武术协会的产品和/或服务的用户,自下载或安装中国武术协会的产品和/或使用中国武术协会的服务时即自动成为中国武术协会的“非注册用户”。
1.6 The term "user" in this agreement includes registered users and unregistered users. Users who are not registered with the products and/or services of the CWA will automatically become "non-registered users" of the CWA when they download or install the products and/or use the services of the CWA.
1.7 特别提醒:由于中国武术协会的产品和服务较多,为您提供的产品和服务内容也有所不同,本协议为中国武术协会统一适用的一般性用户服务条款。针对中国武术协会的某些特定产品/服务,中国武术协会还将指定特定用户服务协议,以便更具体地向你阐明中国武术协会的服务内容、服务规则等内容,您应在充分阅读并同意特定用户服务协议的全部内容后再使用该特定产品/服务。
1.7 Special reminder: As the CWA has many products and services, the content of the products and services provided to you are also different. This agreement is the general user service terms uniformly applied by the CWA. For some specific products/services of the CWA, the CWA will also designate a specific user service agreement, in order to more specifically clarify the service content, service rules, etc. stipulated by the CWA. You shall fully read and agree to the entire content of the specific user service agreement before using the specific product/service.
2 用户注册
2 User Registration
If you use the network storage space provided by the CWA to upload and disseminate audio-visual programs, text, art photography, etc., you need to register an account and set a password, and ensure the authenticity, correctness and integrity of the registration information. If the above registration information changes, you shall change it in time. After completing the registration process of this service, you shall maintain the confidentiality and security of your account number and password. You shall be fully responsible for the activities of anyone using your account and password. The CWA cannot identify the illegal or unauthorized use of your account and password. Therefore, the CWA will not bear any responsibility. At the same time, you agree and undertake that:
2.1 当您的账号或密码遭到未经授权的使用,或者发生任何安全问题时,您会立即有效地通知到中国武术协会;
2.1 You will immediately and effectively notify the CWA when your account or password is used without authorization, or any security problem occurs;
2.2 当您每次登录中国武术协会或使用相关服务后,会将有关账号等安全退出;
2.2 You will safely log out of the relevant account every time after you log in to the CWA or use related services;
2.3 您同意接受中国武术协会通过电子邮件、客户端、网页或其他合法方式向您发送通知信息和其他相关信息;
2.3 You agree to accept the notification information and other relevant information sent to you by the CWA via email, client, web page or other legal means;
2.4 您承诺不在注册、使用中国武术协会账号从事以下行为:
2.4 You undertake not to register or use the CWA account to engage in the following acts:
2.4.1 故意冒用他人信息为自己注册中国武术协会账号;
2.4.1 Deliberately using other person's information to register a CWA account for yourself;
2.4.2 未经他人合法授权以他人名义注册中国武术协会账号;
2.4.2 Registering an account of the CWA in the name of another person without the legal authorization of the other person;
2.4.3 窃取、盗用他人的中国武术协会账号、会员标识等;
2.4.3 Stealing or embezzling other person's CWA account numbers, membership logos, etc.;
2.4.4 使用侮辱、诽谤、色情、政治等违反法律、道德及公序良俗的词语注册中国武术协会账号;
2.4.4 Registering an account of the CWA using insults, defamation, pornography, politics and other words that violate laws, morals, public order and good customs;
2.4.5 以非法占有中国武术协会相关服务资源为目的,通过正当或非正当手段恶意利用网站漏洞;
2.4.5 Malicious use of website loopholes through legitimate or illegitimate means for the purpose of illegally occupying relevant service resources of the CWA;
2.4.6 侵犯他人合法权益的其他内容。
2.4.6 Other content that violates the legitimate rights and interests of others.
2.5 您在此同意,中国武术协会有权对违反上述条款的用户作出禁止注册及/或封号的处理。
2.5 You hereby agree that the CWA has the right to prohibit registration and/or ban the users who violate the above terms.
2.6 您了解并知悉,您可以您的中国武术协会账号登录中国武术协会及其关联方提供的中国武术协会体系下全部产品。
2.6 You understand and know that you can use your CWA account to log in to all products under the CWA system provided by the CWA and its affiliates.
3 中国武术协会上的内容
3 Content on the CWA
3.1 中国武术协会上的内容是指您在中国武术协会上传、传播的视频、音频或其他任何形式的内容,包括但不限于图像、文字、链接等。
3.1 The content on the CWA refers to the video, audio or any other content in any form that you upload or disseminate on the CWA, including but not limited to images, text, links, etc.
3.2 您在中国武术协会上传或发布的作品,您保证对其享有合法的著作权或相应授权,中国武术协会有权展示、散布及推广前述内容。
3.2 For the works you upload or publish in the CWA, you guarantee that you have the legal copyright or corresponding authorization, and the CWA has the right to display, disseminate and promote the aforementioned content.
3.3 为提高您内容曝光量及发布效率,您同意您在中国武术协会的账号所发布的全部内容均授权中国武术协会以您的账号自动同步发布至中国武术协会及/或关联公司运营的全部产品,包括客户端软件及网站。您在中国武术协会发布、修改、删除内容的操作,均会同步到上述产品。
3.3 In order to improve the exposure and publishing efficiency of your content, you agree to authorize the CWA to automatically and synchronously publish all the content published by your account of the CWA to all products (including client software and websites) operated by the CWA and/or its affiliates with your account. Your operations of publishing, modifying and deleting content in the CWA will be synchronized to the above products.
3.4 任何经由中国武术协会提供的服务,以上传、张贴、发送电子邮件或任何其他方式传送的资讯、资料、文字、软件、音乐、音讯、照片、图形、视讯、信息或其他资料(以下简称“内容”),无论系公开还是私下传送,均由内容提供者、上传者承担责任。
3.4 Any information, materials, text, software, music, audio, photos, graphics, videos, messages or other materials (hereinafter referred to as "Content"), whether it is transmitted publicly or privately, is the responsibility of the content provider and uploader.
3.5 中国武术协会无法预先知晓并合理控制经由中国武术协会服务上传之内容,因此,您已预知在使用中国武术协会的服务时,可能会接触到部分令您感到不快、不适或厌恶的内容,您同意放弃由此产生的针对中国武术协会的任何追索权。但中国武术协会有权依法停止传输任何前述内容并采取相应处理,包括但不限于暂停您继续使用中国武术协会的部分或全部服务,保存有关记录并向有关机关报告。
3.5 The CWA cannot know in advance and reasonably control the content uploaded through the services of the CWA. Therefore, you have foreseen that when using the services of the CWA, you may come into contact with some content that makes you feel unpleasant, uncomfortable or disgusting. You agree to waive any rights of recourse arising therefrom against the CWA. However, the CWA has the right to stop the transmission of any of the aforementioned content and take corresponding measures, including but not limited to suspending your continued use of some or all of the services of the CWA, keeping relevant records and reporting to relevant authorities.
3.6 您需独立对自己在中国武术协会上实施的行为承担法律责任。若您使用中国武术协会服务的行为不符合本协议,中国武术协会有权作出独立处理,且在无需事先通知及/或征得用户同意的情况下停用您的账号。您若在中国武术协会上散布和传播反动、色情或其他违反国家法律、规定的信息,中国武术协会的系统记录可能作为您违反相关法律的证据。
3.6 You shall independently assume legal responsibility for your behaviors on the CWA. If your use of the services of the CWA does not comply with this agreement, the CWA has the right to deal with it independently and deactivate your account without prior notice and/or user consent. If you spread and disseminate reactionary, pornographic or other information that violates national laws and regulations on the CWA, the system records of the CWA may be used as evidence that you have violated relevant laws.
4 使用规则
4 Rules of Use
4.1 用户在使用中国武术协会服务的过程中,应遵守以下法律法规:
4.1 Users shall abide by the following laws and regulations when using the services of the CWA:
4.1.1 《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》
4.1.1 Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets
4.1.2 《中华人民共和国著作权法》
4.1.2 Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
4.1.3 《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》
4.1.3 Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Safety Protection of Computer Information Systems
4.1.4 《计算机软件保护条例》
4.1.4 Regulations on Computers Software Protection
4.1.5 《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》
4.1.5 Ministry of Information Industry, Administration of Internet Electronic Messaging Service
4.1.6 《信息网络传播权保护条例》
4.1.6 Regulation on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information
4.1.7 《中华人民共和国网络安全法》
4.1.7 Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China
4.1.8 其他有关计算机及互联网规定的法律、法规。
4.1.8 Other laws and regulations related to computer and Internet regulations.
4.2 在任何情况下,中国武术协会一旦合理地认为用户的行为可能违反上述法律、法规,可以在任何时候,不经事先通知终止向该用户提供服务。
4.2 In any case, once the CWA reasonably believes that the user's behavior may violate the above laws and regulations, it may terminate the service to the user at any time without prior notice.
4.3 禁止用户从事以下行为:
4.3 Users are prohibited from engaging in the following acts:
4.3.1 制作、上传、复制、传送、传播包含任何反对宪法所确定的基本原则、危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一、破坏民族团结、损害国家荣誉和利益、煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、宣扬邪教和封建迷信、淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪、侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的等法律、行政法规禁止的内容或其他令人反感的包括但不限于资讯、资料、文字、软件、音乐、照片、图形、信息或其他资料;
4.3.1 Making, uploading, copying, transmitting, or disseminating any content that opposes the basic principles established by the Constitution, endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, undermines national unity, undermines national unity, damages national honor and interests, and incites national hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermines ethnic unity, undermines national religious policies, advocates cults and feudal superstitions, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abets crime, insults or slanders others, infringes the legitimate rights and interests of others, or any content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations or other objectionable content, including but not limited to information, materials, text, software, music, photos, graphics, information or other materials;
4.3.2 以任何方式危害未成年人;
4.3.2 Endangering minors in any way;
4.3.3 冒充任何人或机构,或以虚伪不实的方式谎称或使人误认为与任何人或任何机构有关;
4.3.3 Impersonating any person or institution, or falsely claiming to be related to any person or institution;
4.3.4 伪造标题或以其他方式操控识别资料,使人误认为该内容为中国武术协会所传送;
4.3.4 Falsifying the title or otherwise manipulating the identification information to make people mistakenly believe that the content is transmitted by the CWA;
4.3.5 将无权传送的内容(例如内部资料、机密资料)进行上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送;
4.3.5 Uploading, posting, emailing or otherwise transmitting content (such as internal information, confidential information) that you do not have the right to transmit;
4.3.6 将侵犯任何人的专利、商标、著作权、商业秘密等知识产权的内容加以上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送;
4.3.6 Uploading, posting, emailing or transmitting any content that infringes anyone's intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.;
4.3.7 将广告函件、促销资料、“垃圾邮件”等,加以上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送;
4.3.7 Uploading, posting, emailing or otherwise transmitting advertising communications, promotional materials, "spam", etc.;
4.3.8 跟踪或以其他方式骚扰他人;
4.3.8 Stalking or otherwise harassing others;
4.3.9 将有关干扰、破坏或限制任何计算机软件、硬件或通讯设备功能的软件病毒或其他计算机代码、档案和程序之资料,加以上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送;
4.3.9 Uploading, posting, emailing or otherwise transmitting information about software viruses or other computer codes, files and programs that interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication equipment;
4.3.10 干扰或破坏中国武术协会服务或与中国武术协会服务相连的服务器和网络,或不遵守本协议之规定;
4.3.10 Interfering with or disrupting the services of the CWA or the servers and networks connected to the services of the CWA, or failing to comply with the provisions of this Agreement;
4.3.11 故意或非故意违反任何相关的中国法律、法规、规章、条例等其他具有法律效力的规范;
4.3.11 Deliberately or unintentionally violating any relevant Chinese laws, regulations, rules, ordinances and other norms with legal effect;
4.3.12 未经中国武术协会事先明确书面许可,以任何方式(包括但不限于机器人软件、蜘蛛软件、爬虫软件等任何自动程序、脚本、软件)和任何理由自行或委托他人、协助他人获取平台的服务、内容、数据;
4.3.12 Volunteering, entrusting others to obtain, assisting others in obtaining the platform services, content, data without the prior express written permission of the CWA, in any way (including but not limited to robot software, spider software, crawler software and any other automatic programs, scripts, software) and for any reason;
4.3.13 用户需保证其上传内容不得违反广电总局的相关规定,包括但不限于《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》(广电总局56号令)等,其上传节目应当符合法律、行政法规、部门规章的规定,上传内容不得含有以下内容:
4.3.13 Users need to ensure that their uploaded content does not violate the relevant regulations of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), including but not limited to the Regulation on Administration of Internet-Based Audio-Video Program Services (SARFT Order No. 56), etc. The uploaded programs shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and departmental rules. The uploaded content must not contain the following content:
(1) Opposition to the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) Endangering national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;
(3) Leaking state secrets, endangering state security or damaging state honor and interests;
(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining ethnic unity, or infringing upon ethnic customs and habits;
(5) Disturbing social order and undermining social stability;
(6) Inducing minors to commit crimes and exaggerating violence, pornography, gambling and terrorist activities;
(7) Insulting or slandering others, or infringing upon citizens' personal privacy and other legitimate rights and interests of others;
(8) Endangering social morality and damaging the fine cultural traditions of the nation;
(9) Other contents prohibited by relevant laws, administrative regulations and state regulations.
4.3.14 您制作、发布、传播的内容需遵守《网络音视频信息服务管理规定》及相关法律法规规定,不得利用基于深度学习、虚拟现实等的新技术新应用制作、发布、传播虚假新闻信息等法律法规禁止的信息内容。您在发布或传播利用基于深度学习、虚拟现实等的新技术新应用制作的非真实音视频信息时,应当以显著方式予以标识,否则中国武术协会有权对相关内容和账户采取包括但不限于增加标识、限制、封禁等措施。
4.3.14 The content you produce, publish, and disseminate must abide by the Regulations on the Administration of Network Audio and Video Information Services and relevant laws and regulations, and you may not use new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc. to produce, publish, and disseminate fake news information and other information content prohibited by laws and regulations. When you publish or disseminate non-real audio and video information produced using new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc., you shall mark it in a prominent way, otherwise the CWA has the right to take measures against relevant content and accounts, including but not limited to adding signs, restrictions, bans and other measures.
4.3.15 如用户提供的上传内容含有以上违反政策法律法规的信息或者内容的,由用户直接承担以上导致的一切不利后果,如因此给中国武术协会造成不利后果的,用户应负责消除影响,并且赔偿因此导致的一切损失。
4.3.15 If the uploaded content provided by the user contains the above information or content that violates the policies, laws and regulations, the user shall directly bear all the adverse consequences caused by the above. If it causes adverse consequences to the CWA, the user shall be responsible for eliminating the influence and indemnifying all losses caused thereby.
4.4 用户不得通过任何渠道或媒体(包括但不限于自媒体等)发出“与中国武术协会合作”、“与中国武术协会共同出品”等任何携带“中国武术协会”品牌的字样,如用户需宣传推广合作节目,用户只能在宣传中提及节目本身而不得提及与中国武术协会关系或者擅自以中国武术协会品牌进行推广,凡是用户的发稿带有“中国武术协会”的一切宣传稿件必须通过中国武术协会相应合作部门之书面同意,否则因此给中国武术协会造成的一切损失用户应予以赔偿。
4.4 Users are not allowed to issue any words carrying the brand of "Chinese Wushu Association", such as "Cooperation with Chinese Wushu Association" and "Co-produced with Chinese Wushu Association" through any channels or media (including but not limited to self-media, etc.). To promote cooperative programs, users can only mention the program itself in the publicity and shall not mention the relationship with the CWA or promote the program under the brand of the Chinese Wushu Association without authorization. All publicity articles with "Chinese Wushu Association" in the user's publication must be approved in writing by the corresponding cooperation department of the CWA, otherwise all losses caused to the CWA shall be compensated by the user.